Coleman for ColoradoCreating Opportunities
For All Coloradans.

Senator Coleman believes in actions and outcomes over empty promises. He is a catalyst and collaborator who is committed to creating meaningful change, opportunity, and a better world for all Coloradans. Grounded in integrity and an unwavering passion for democracy to serve the people, the Senator has delivered on promises and navigated effectively through divisive issues to produce consensus-built results for Colorado communities.

He will continue bridging party lines to create legislation that makes our great state more affordable and for citizens to hold onto their hard-earned money. He is committed to paving the way for equitable access to opportunity so that all Coloradans have the chance to get ahead.

Opportunity Through Action

Senator Coleman brings consistent, proven leadership to meet current challenges and ensure where we’re going is brighter than where we’ve been. Doing what’s right for all Coloradans, the Senator has delivered on major commitments while responding effectively to a tough political climate and bipartisan politics that have held back voter-backed change.


Coleman for ColoradoWe Believe

Senator Coleman seeks to create a new era, where a promise means something, words lead to actions, communities believe in their elected officials, and trust is upheld.

The Senator believes that if you give someone a chance, an opportunity, hope…. you can change the world. His mission is clear – to bring democracy back to politics and bring bipartisan cooperation back to Colorado to produce the outcomes that Colorado citizens elected him for. Senator Coleman has earned a reputation for fostering collaboration, compromise, and communication that produces results for Colorado. James brings an urgency to initiatives that pushes other leaders to step up in action for the people of our great state.

Growing up in Colorado, the Senator knows our State’s strengths, challenges, and areas for growth firthand. He is eager to continue serving as your Colorado State Senator, and demonstrate how his work in action is rooted in a deep desire to achieve progress and success for Colorado communities. The new era for Colorado is just ahead.

Team Coleman’s vision is to amplify the dreams of Coloradans by providing access to opportunity and creating economic equity to bring down the high cost of living in our state.

Our Guiding Principles

We believe in these principals that guide our actions.
  • We believe in promoting economic relief, growth, and success for Colorado people and businesses.
  • We believe that all Coloradans should have equitable access to educational and economic opportunities.
  • We believe in eliminating systemic barriers to success that drives youth violence by creating opportunity that leads to future community leaders and a huge social impact.

Senator Coleman'sLegislative Priorities

Throughout his years in the Colorado General Assembly, Senator Coleman has energetically sponsored bills to better fund and resource schools, protect workers' and veterans' rights, bolster small businesses, create opportunities for and pathways to higher education, increase health coverage and mental/behavioral health supports, direct criminal justice reforms, and preserve our environment. His groundbreaking legislation is anchored not only in advocacy for the Black community, but also in his three legislative priorities: Education; Economic Growth; Youth and Workforce Development.

The 2024 Legislative Session concluded May 2024. It was a strong session for Team Coleman and our efforts to improve the lives of people across
Colorado. You can click on the bill to learn more of the positive impacts of the legislation. We are grateful for our team, for our cabinets, for constituents
who came to testify, wrote letters, and made phone calls. We are honored to work alongside our colleagues in the Senate and House chambers who worked tirelessly on all of these

Actions Speak Louder

Through consistent, practical actions that hold legislators accountable to the promises they've made through bills passed, Senator Coleman is committed to delivering outcomes in partnership with those elected to represent you.

Democracy Over Division

"Fighting over issues and not getting things done isn't democracy. Democracy is making sure the train gets there on time, and the ship is steered in the right direction, because policies are passed to accomplish action and produce an outcome. That is our job, and the only thing we can do as legislators." - Senator James Coleman
"A common complaint of citizens is that Washington never gets anything done, because all they do is fight. We legislators get a vote because you voters elected us to have one; and great policy can get passed that changes lives. But too often that's not happening because of filibustering or one party running bills and sending them to die in a kill committee. That's not democracy. That's a threat to democracy. We need to be able to debate and hear, so we can ultimately make an advised decision that's best for the majority even when it's uncomfortable.. because not everyone is going to agree. But, in part, that goes back to leadership and the ability to listen, to understand, and to build consensus. That is what voters have hired us to do so that we can achieve an outcome. We need to get back to the understanding that respectful disagreement is ok but we need to sit down and talk and listen. Too often, that's not happening because leaders are afraid of the aesthetics and the assumptions that could be made when those who think and vote differently sit down together. That's not right, and there is a movement happening to get back to the basics of democracy. We've been politically correct; now it's time to produce results. Those who really care about protecting democracy don't care about a party line. They care about the people and the government that represents them are doing what they promised. Data shows that Colorado is made up of roughly 30% Democrats, 30% Republicans, and 40% Unaffiliated voters. I strongly believe I was elected to represent all of them." - Senator James Coleman

Why Should You Believe In Change?

What Senator Coleman brings to the table and delivers is action, opportunities, and change. He is a representative servant leader who has the courage to be bipartisan and the courage to buck the status quo of modern political optics. Senator Coleman naturally crosses the aisle and is comfortable being seen with Republican leaders, speaking to his courage and unwavering commitment to Coloradans. Period. No party, no objective, is more important to him than that. And, simply put, THAT is what makes him the right choice for Colorado For Democrats. For Republicans. For unaffiliated voters. For families. For businesses. For neighbors. For communities. For citizens. For all. Coleman is for Colorado And Coleman is for you.

Creating the Change We Want to See In the WorldWhy We Started

Senator Coleman and his team have lent their expertise, time, and action to strengthen Colorado’s recovery, make resources more accessible, and create opportunities for more people to get ahead. We understand that stronger and safer communities, a thriving economy, and affordability for the hard-working people of Colorado are top of mind for us all. A rising cost of living, an economy that doesn’t work for everyone with jobs that don’t pay a living wage, an education system that doesn’t meet the needs of all our students, and a criminal justice system that profits from keeping our families and communities separated and incarcerated are just a few of the issues Senator Coleman has worked tirelessly to improve during his time in office. Adding to the challenges, many of us are trying our best to set our kids up for success while also providing for our aging parents who are facing unaffordable health care and the rising cost of living.

We’re Here To Help

Team Coleman is committed to serving all folks who call our communities home; and our role as a liaison between our community members and federal agencies is often our most consequential responsibility. An accomplished legislator, what Senator Coleman loves most about the job is governance: protecting democracy. Amidst a lot of talking and promise, Senator Coleman gets it done and his track record shows it. Over the last eight years, the Senator has pursued his calling to create unity among his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, amidst the current climate of divisive voices that keep legislation stuck on a page instead of being enacted to serve our communities.

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Paid for by James Coleman 2024
200 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80203
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